News Knockout: Commission lawsuits settlement tops 2024

Despite an array of significant stories throughout 2024, none could surpass the industry-shaking news of NAR agreeing to settlement terms in the wake of antitrust commission lawsuits that would forever reshape how agents and brokers do business. Continue reading

News Knockout: Elite 8 stories of 2024 go head-to-head for your vote

Stories about the commission lawsuits settlement, industry practice changes and alleged bad behavior by luxury brokers emerged as winners by a landslide. Cast your vote now for the Final Four top stories of the year. Continue reading

Countdown as big chunk of $418M commission settlement comes due

As NAR’s spending comes under the microscope, an Inman analysis of financial filings shows how it doled out funds prior to 2023 — and the likelihood of membership dues rising in the coming years. Continue reading

NAR perks and lavish spending spotlight of New York Times report

Volunteer National Association of Realtors’ leaders received perks and payment that lawyers say could run afoul of US tax laws, according to an investigation by the Times published on Monday. Continue reading

ICYMI at NXT: 3-way agreement and a national MLS? The Download

As NAR’s members and leaders met up, the industry’s biggest question marks took center stage amid a mix of opinions and perspectives. Continue reading

NAR to require workplace behavior training for volunteer leaders

Approved handily, the proposal was one of 11 from NAR’s Culture Transformation Commission, a group founded a year ago in the wake of accusations of harassment, intimidation and retaliation. Continue reading

NAR CEO signals support for ‘3-way agreement’ amid Realtor pushback

At the National Association of Realtors’ annual conference, CEO Nykia Wright emphasized the need to rebuild its relationships with large brokerages and doubled down on NAR’s governance. Continue reading

Is NAR really ready to rethink its legal strategy? The Download

As the trade group’s chief legal officer exits, the National Association of Realtors prepares to evaluate its legal exposure and develop a litigation strategy. Is it too little too late? Continue reading

NAR vows to assess legal risk of current policies

New CEO Nykia Wright told NAR’s board of directors the trade group’s next step will be to develop a “comprehensive” litigation strategy and size up any additional legal exposure related to its rules. Continue reading

Alabama Association of Realtors to NAR: Make membership optional

“It is time to allow members the ability to choose where they allocate their membership and dues dollars between the local, state and national levels,” Alabama Realtors wrote to NAR on Tuesday. Continue reading