Should RPAC support candidates who violate the code of ethics?

In today’s political climate, Rachael Hite writes, Realtors need to ask questions about why candidates are selected for funding, as many of them have a personal agenda that does not reflect the values of NAR. Continue reading

Ready to start investing? Here are the ins and outs to get you started

Bernice Ross talks with Brian Davis and Denis Supplee of SparkRental to bring your the investor fundamentals you need to get started. Continue reading

WATCH: 4 video strategies I used to navigate the last downturn

Consistently creating and posting your video content on social media helps you stand out and make an impact in your market. Continue reading

7 retirement milestones every real estate agent should prepare for

Retirement may seem like a distant dream, but, according to CFP Jordan Curnutt, understanding the key age milestones can make all the difference. Continue reading

Does being ‘anti-woke’ constitute a code of ethics violation?

Hate in this country seems to be gaining popularity in a growing “anti-woke” movement that is pushing back against displays of support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Trainer Rachael Hite asks, “How does all this rhetoric land when upholding our … Continue reading

Why self-storage and real estate leap-frog traditional investments

Self-storage and real estate investments provide returns and benefits that traditional investments may not offer, making them an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their portfolio and generate steady income. Continue reading

WATCH: Taking action with ‘Color of Law’ author Richard Rothstein

Dr. Lee Davenport interviews New York Times bestselling author of “The Color of Law,” Richard Rothstein, along with Leah Rothstein, his co-author on the new “Just Action.” Continue reading

NAR: We’re committed to ending discrimination in real estate

In response to an Inman article Tuesday questioning the National Association of Realtors’ response to discriminatory practices, NAR CEO Bob Goldberg defended the trade group’s track record. Continue reading

Why financial literacy education is the key to generational wealth

As young people become more financially literate, we’ll see our families, businesses, communities and the nation as a whole become stronger and more resilient, writes investor David Phelps. Continue reading