‘The Old Boys Network’: Relic or reality?

Just saying the phrase makes some roll their eyes, some foam at the mouth, and others shift into denial mode. What is the “Old Boys Network” and how can women beat the old boys at their own game? Continue reading

That’s not OK: The harassment women real estate agents face online

Be your authentic self online, they said. According to Rachael Hite, that’s easier said than done for many women in real estate who face judgment, harassment (and worse) just for posting. It’s past time to stop it. Continue reading

Men, we need to learn when to shut up

You may have the best intentions in the world and even consider yourself an advocate for women (I do). Sometimes, as I’ve learned lately, you just have to shut up and listen, says Jay Thompson, and right now is one of those times. Continue reading

‘Hon, can you get me a cup of coffee?’ Creating a more gender-inclusive working environment

Most of us bring certain expectations to our interactions with others, often based on our prior experiences or assumptions. By looking at our own unconscious bias and prioritizing tough conversations, we can ensure that everyone feels valued in the wor… Continue reading

Hiring an assistant? Read this first

You’ve probably been told that if you don’t hire an assistant, you’ll end up being the assistant. According to broker-owner Teresa Boardman, the truth is more complex, so making an effective first hire involves more thought and strategy than you may ex… Continue reading

Long-term client retention is at the heart of CORE Home: Tech Review

CORE Home is a new entry to the growing kvCORE suite of real estate business solutions that aims to keep clients and brokerages bound through each stage of the transaction lifecycle. Continue reading

Don’t fire that client! Set boundaries right from the get-go

Heading off frustrating experiences with demanding clients often comes down to the expectations you set from the beginning. In this Agent/Broker Perspective, Miami broker Anthony Askowitz offers hypothetical scenarios and advice on how to deal. Continue reading

From new agent to serial entrepreneur: How to build to scale

By definition, an entrepreneur organizes and operates a business (or several), takes on greater than normal financial risks to do so, and is willing to risk loss to make money. Real estate agents can be solopreneurs, intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs — th… Continue reading

Give yourself grace: 9 truths women need to hear now

Whether you’re just starting out or scaling up, you may need to take a somewhat different approach to creating leverage in your life and business than your male counterparts. Here are some ideas that are designed to help you get more done and the permi… Continue reading