NAR: Commission lawsuits could be ‘disastrous’ for both buyers and sellers

How should the industry make agent commission structures more transparent before angry consumers and the Justice Department forces it to do so in ways that might be harmful? Continue reading

Northwest MLS breaks the mold to allow public display of agent commissions

The move represents a sharp break from 600 or so other MLSs nationwide, some of whom have threatened to cut off brokerages who have tried to publicly display commissions. Continue reading

Investors sue Realogy, allege fraud over agent commissions

The Rosen Law Firm, which a month ago threatened a class action lawsuit, pulled the trigger Thursday, filing a federal suit in the US District Court of New Jersey. Continue reading

Homebuyers’ biggest agent gripe? ‘Commissions are too high’

More than 4 in 10 consumers believe real estate commissions are too high, according to a study from real estate technology startup ShelterZoom. Continue reading

NAR hit with yet another antitrust suit over buyer commissions

Another homeseller is challenging the sharing of real estate sales commissions between listing and buyer’s brokers, according to a new lawsuit. Continue reading