Out of time? Here’s how to create some (even if you’re busy)

Ditch these six common time management myths, and pick up as many of these 10 proven strategies from author and coach Bernice Ross, and you’ll find more time in your day to day. Continue reading

7 strategies for creating better opportunities in your business 

The difference between those who thrive and those who merely survive isn’t luck — it’s the choices they make, trainer and author Bernice Ross writes. Continue reading

7 strategies for creating better opportunities in your business 

The difference between those who thrive and those who merely survive isn’t luck — it’s the choices they make, trainer and author Bernice Ross writes. Continue reading

Forget time-blocking! Focus on these 5 time-management tactics

Time-blocking is standard real estate productivity advice, but here’s the thing: It doesn’t work. Here’s a better approach to time management that’ll help you stick to your priorities and knock out those dollar-producing activities. Continue reading