End the year strong: 5 smart ways to spend your marketing dollars

August is a terrific month to set yourself up for the rest of the year. Take advantage of it by using these tactics and effectively spending your marketing dollars. Here’s how. Continue reading

How to ensure your listing finds love online

If you’re listing homes, now is the time to take a cue from dating apps — you’ve only got about 7 seconds to reel in a prospect, so you better put your best foot forward. Here’s how to maximize your listing’s potential and capture more online views…. Continue reading

Bidding wars are cooling off: How to prepare for a shift

What happens when the market starts to tilt in buyers’ favor? Here’s what agents need to be thinking through, preparing for and learning about to better serve their future clients. Continue reading

Lesson Learned: Always be open to your clients’ suggestions

Real estate agents across the nation share stories of the lessons they’ve learned during their time in the industry. This week: Find out how this billion-dollar Miami real estate team learned that, no matter your level of expertise, listening to your c… Continue reading

Free leads from Google: How to set up, optimize your Google My Business page

There’s a pretty easy (and free) way to position yourself as the local expert and scoop up leads as you grow, thanks to Google My Business. Here’s how to set up, build and optimize your business page. Continue reading

What new real estate agents should know about …

If you’re a new agent, learning a thing or two about a home’s most sought-after features (think: kitchens, bathtubs, closets, flooring, elevators) will go a long way in helping you stand out with clients. Continue reading

The Real Word: Does this new Connecticut law jeopardize teams?

In this edition of The Real Word, Byron Lazine and Nicole White discuss a new law put into place that affects Connecticut real estate teams, how telling a couple to get counseling led to more deals for one agent, and Brad Inman’s big announcement.
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The 10+ greatest real estate and sales books of all time (IMHO)

Everyone should be continuously learning and honing their craft, especially in the ever-changing landscape of real estate. Here are the all-time best real estate and sales books according to Jay Thompson. Continue reading

8 new agent mistakes to avoid from the get-go

So you’ve got your real estate license in hand — now what? Of course, finding a place to work and securing those first clients may seem like they should top your list, but there are a few other details newbies shouldn’t neglect. Continue reading

How to couch armchair expert advice

Knowing how to combat misguided viewpoints with vetted knowledge and confidence is vital. Here are eight scenarios you are likely to encounter and how to contend with them. Continue reading