Here’s how I generated $11M in listings — in 3 months
Despite the lack of inventory and the hyper-competitive market, agents who implement this simple strategy can generate listings now and return business down the road. Continue reading
Despite the lack of inventory and the hyper-competitive market, agents who implement this simple strategy can generate listings now and return business down the road. Continue reading
Right now, the housing market has a slew of uninvited guests in one of the worst housing shortages in the history of America. Continue reading
Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White give a real estate agent’s perspective on industry-related topics. In this edition of The Real Word, they’ll discuss mortgage changes for vacation homes, how many Americans moved during the pandemic and videos every … Continue reading
Most team leaders think they know their numbers, but the reality is that we’re not as clear on them as we think we are. We have a general idea, but that’s not good enough. Here are the numbers you really need to pay attention to and why they’re so crit… Continue reading
If you want to recruit better talent and more clients who want to with your team, focus on building your master brand first. Here’s how to do that. Continue reading
Multiple offers, super-low inventory, skyrocketing values and lots of competition from cash buyers have made the current real estate climate both a blessing and a curse. Through that, a few real estate concepts were put to the test. Here’s what lasted. Continue reading
If you’re not out there interacting with the public on a face-to-face basis, chances are you’ve become a secret agent — and that has to change. Here is a variety of fun and engaging ways to get strangers to ask you about your job and real estate. Continue reading
There’s tons of training that addresses diligent follow-up and frequent outreach. What’s far more critical in building your business than a speedy reply or dropping someone into a system that will pound out messages to a contact database? Answering the… Continue reading
When my fiancée and I began house hunting as first-time homebuyers in December of 2020, we were told the market was extremely competitive. Little did we know just how bad it was. Continue reading
With home prices across the nation rising sky-high, more buyers are wondering if paying so much is the right thing to do. “Morning after” jitters are causing many to reconsider their purchase. Here’s how to combat getting that post-contract cancelation… Continue reading