10 Ways to Be a Rebel After 80

Because I have a tattoo dotting each bicep, and because I frequently flavor my dialogue with an epithet that starts with an “f” and ends in “k,” folks have labeled me a rebel (or another, more profane word).  And as a 4’9″, 80 1/2-year old woman with h… Continue reading

3 ways to unleash your inner confidence

Confidence in business, and basically any interaction in life, is absolutely essential and a key component in building any successful relationship. Just like other skills, it takes learning, practice and execution to effectively use that confidence on … Continue reading

3 ways coaching can help you be a better agent

Do you need a coach? The answer lies within you and your needs. A coach doesn’t have to be a paid coach; it could be a mentor, a confidant or a person you hire. As long as you work with a pro, your business will improve in these aspects. Continue reading

5 tips that’ll help you win over any FSBO

When it comes to for-sale-by-owner prospecting, there are two types of agents: the ones who will win the owners’ trust and list the home and the hundreds of others who will give up and move on. What do the winning agents do differently, and how can you… Continue reading