Relationship-first CRM Cloze keeps getting better

Cloze’s latest updates fortify long-term relationships using a unique newsletter builder that cleverly coalesces content automation with agent personalization. Continue reading

LionDesk’s new feature helps agents build landing pages

CRM LionDesk, powered by Lone Wolf, has released a new feature that allows agents to build custom landing pages for marketing campaigns. Continue reading

Privacy rules are changing marketing. Are you prepared?

The privacy revolution is here, impacting every single way you do marketing on the internet. You must change too. You’re not going to be able to grow your business using yesterday’s playbook — so burn it. Continue reading

Email marketer ActivePipe rolls out brokerage-wide nurture campaigns

Helping power the new nurture service is technology ActivePipe acquired in its purchase of HomePrezzo in 2020. Continue reading

Worth a steal! 8 email marketing scripts for your repertoire

Are you harnessing the power of personalized email marketing? This week, Jimmy Mackin shares the scripts and templates agents need for prospecting, setting appointments, boosting their credibility, building buzz and more. Continue reading

Refreshed and nurture-savvy, Market Leader’s CRM deserves your attention

After bouncing around Trulia and then Zillow, Market Leader — a CRM and marketing software — has been reborn under Constellation Real Estate Group, and we’re better for it. Continue reading

How to revive dying leads

Being persistent, using the tools that work for you and staying personable are just some of the key moves that agents told Inman help them to bring back leads that have gone cold. Continue reading

Email offers biggest returns for real estate marketing: Report

As the coronavirus disrupts face-to-face interactions, more agents may turn to online ads. A new report breaks down where they should spend their money. Continue reading