Exiting real estate: How much is your business really worth?

What does it take to successfully sell a real estate business? The first two parts of this series looked at your mindset around leaving the business and how to increase its value when you sell. The next step is negotiating the sale. Continue reading

Here’s why you should price your listings in multiples of $10K

The rules of pricing properties are changing, yet most agents continue to use the same pricing approaches that the industry did 50 years ago. Are you making this costly mistake on your listings? Continue reading

Exiting real estate: How sellable is your business?

Part 1 of this series looked at your mindset and whether you’re well prepared to leave the business. The next step is determining the value of your business and what you can do to enhance its value prior to your sale.   Continue reading

Exiting real estate: Is your business ready for you to leave?

Although it’s smart to have a retirement plan, it’s even smarter to have a transition or backup plan in case you have to leave the business earlier than you anticipated. Take the quiz to find out if you’re ready to exit when the time comes. Continue reading

The fight over employee classification doesn’t end with the passage of California’s AB5

Regardless of what happens with California’s landmark effort to regulate the gig economy, the real estate industry still has huge exposure in terms of agent teams. Continue reading

9 tips for filing insurance claims after a catastrophe

Whether it’s a hurricane like Dorian or a tropical storm, flood, tornado, earthquake or fire, it can take years to resolve a major insurance claim and restore a property. Learn how to file a claim from those who have been there and done that. Continue reading

How to kick up your fall production right now

Do you have a solid plan for landing new clients and closing as many deals as possible in the last quarter of the year? Regular Inman contributor Bernice Ross has you covered with these five detailed tips. Continue reading

‘Work-life balance is attainable’ And other misnomers that make life miserable

Free yourself from misery by realizing how some common work-life maxims are really just myths that we need to either ignore or redefine. Continue reading

Is your hot seller’s market over? How to recognize a slowdown and pivot

Do you have a strategy to thrive in a market slowdown? Agents who survive down markets do so by having a balance between aggressively priced listings and motivated buyers. Here’s how to make sure you always strike that balance, regardless of market.
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Guilt-free parenting? 3 moms share how they found balance

Can women with young children really have it all — a successful real estate career, kids and a great marriage? Even if the answer is “yes,” at what cost? I spoke to three thriving real estate moms for the inside scoop on finding balance. Continue reading