The latest on the fight over independent contractor status

There are at least three other cases currently pending before the California Labor Commissioner (Department of Labor Standards Enforcement) that offer a simultaneous threat to independent contractor status. Don’t despair yet — there might be sunshine o… Continue reading

5 things our clients don’t realize we do to EARN commission

A vast majority of today’s consumers believe that selling real estate is an easy business — and that they can get all the information they need from Zillow. Sadly, these people are seriously mistaken. Next time someone doubts your worth as an agent, sh… Continue reading

9 basics every agent needs to master from the start

A major reason that most agents fail is they don’t master the fundamentals — and then build on them throughout their career. Similarly, veterans have dips in their businesses because they lose focus on the basics. If you’re new to the industry or find … Continue reading

Why the ‘bombshell lawsuit’ might be a dud: Part 2

The Moehrl class action lawsuit gunning for real estate might not be as dangerous to our profession as we all fear. Here we continue onto the second and final part of our dive into the mistakes, errors and problems contained within this complaint. Continue reading

Why the ‘bombshell lawsuit’ might be a dud

The issues and potential threat that the Moehrl lawsuit poses to the real estate industry, specifically in regard to sharing listings and compensation through the MLS, have been outlined — but in this two-part series, you’ll be taken on a deep dive int… Continue reading

5 real estate dragons (and how to tame them)

Have you ever encountered a “dragon” in one of your deals? They come in many different varieties — the persnickety business manager or CPA, the testy attorney, the nit-picking inspector, the appraiser who doesn’t know the area, the helicopter parent an… Continue reading

Are you making these embarrassing print marketing mistakes?

Do you regularly use snail mail print marketing? When used properly, it can be a powerful lead generator — but use it incorrectly, and you and your marketing piece end up in the garbage. Here’s an analysis of what several agents did right, as well as w… Continue reading

WATCH: How to snatch top talent for your indie brokerage

Signing bonuses, big marketing budgets, 100 percent splits — the recruiting battle for agents today is fiercer than ever. The flood of capital and aggressive recruiting strategies used in the industry are no secret. So how do indie brokers compete? Continue reading

Will individual agents be the real winners in the iBuyer game?

IBuyers might not be as formidable as the press makes them out to be. In fact, it seems that the real success stories in the iBuyer arena come from agents conducting old-fashioned print marketing campaigns. Here’s a look at why the first agents who rea… Continue reading

‘That’s a hard pass’: 6 times agents should say no

Do you have an overpriced listing where the seller refuses to face reality? Do you have too many commitments and not enough time? Strengthening your “no” muscle can help you avoid trouble as well as enhance your image as a trustworthy individual. Continue reading