More sellers are taking a hard-line approach with commissions: Intel

The most recent Intel Index data suggests that agents are beginning to track patterns in what’s happening to their commission rates in response to the industry practice changes, and are less uncertain about how it’s impacting their business. Continue reading

3 steps to earn your share of commissions in any market

Much of your income potential is totally controlled by the activities you choose to do every day, broker Joseph Santini writes, along with your willingness to adjust to the market. Continue reading

How far would you go to protect your buyer clients? The Download

The Consumer Federation of America, an industry watchdog, says that the buyer agreements you’re depending on are woefully inadequate to properly protect homebuyers. Continue reading

9 post-Sitzer questions we still don’t have answers to

Change always brings chaos and disruption, broker Cara Ameer writes. While many of these issues have been lurking in the background before we knew what Sitzer | Burnett was, they illustrate the work that remains to be done. Continue reading

Buyer agents are already cutting commissions: The Download

In the post-Sitzer world we now live in, agents and brokers are already dealing with the new reality by cutting buyer commissions to the bone. Continue reading

7 perks of seller-paid commission to share with homeowners

Transparency and communication are more important than ever before. Darryl Davis offers essential talking points for your next commission conversation with sellers. Continue reading

8 things to remember amid market and consumer upheaval

Right now, agents are feeling overwhelmed by all of the talk and potential changes post-Sitzer. Coach Darryl Davis offers wisdom and action steps to shore up your business against the tumultuous market ahead. Continue reading

The verdict is in: 4 key realities in the emerging market

With the coming appeal, writes team leader Carl Medford, it will be some time before the final verdict is reached. However, there are four key realities that you can expect to see in the days that lie ahead. Continue reading

Closing at all costs: Are your training materials too aggressive?

Marketing expert Rachael Hite dives deep into the complex topic of sales training. With all eyes on how agents are trained to ask for their commissions, time may be up on dated sales practices that push past seller objections to get them to sign on the… Continue reading