The Property Brothers: Never do these renovation projects alone

Jonathan and Drew Scott, stars of the HGTV series Property Brothers, stress the importance of getting permits for DIY work. Continue reading

How to keep your commission off the negotiating table

You’ll likely come across buyers griping about commissions — probably because of their own experiences or poor representations of what agents actually do on reality TV or social media. Here are a handful of tips for showcasing your worth and combating … Continue reading

New Freddie Mac mortgage plan bundles purchases and repairs

The CHOICERenovation program offers homebuyers a single loan, with just one set of closing costs, that they can use to buy a house and then fix it up. Continue reading

5 outdated seller beliefs agents should debunk

Any seller who has not sold a home in the past five years is in for a shock: Everything they thought they knew about selling a home has changed. Sellers who do not understand the new rules of engagement can easily make costly mistakes and jeopardize th… Continue reading

HGTV kicks off annual Ultimate House Hunt competition

The eighth annual HGTV Ultimate House Hunt, a collaboration between HGTV, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World and Luxury Portfolio International, is officially set to kick off on Wednesday, June 12.  Continue reading

How Curaytor is solving the Instagram marketing puzzle

Real estate sales and marketing platform Curaytor announced Wednesday, via Instagram, that customers are now able to integrate the popular picture-based social medium into their marketing plans. Curaytor will only communicate via The Gram for the next … Continue reading

HGTV’s 2018 Dream Home is on the market

Bummed you didn’t win last year’s HGTV dream home in Gig Harbor, Washington? Well, you have a second chance at owning the $1.89 million waterfront estate. Continue reading