Indie brokers struggle with racial unrest and coronavirus pandemic
Brokers advised evaluating whether social media messages might come off as “tone-deaf” but disagreed on whether to express political opinions publicly. Continue reading
Brokers advised evaluating whether social media messages might come off as “tone-deaf” but disagreed on whether to express political opinions publicly. Continue reading
Being quarantined at home equals more time to accomplish long-delayed tasks. So, the pressure to plan the future is on. Here, one indie broker shares why she is refraining from doing that. Continue reading
No one could have foreseen the havoc this crisis would wreak on real estate, but now that we are in the thick of it, we can adjust to the situation. Here’s how to adapt and trim your budget for the rest of the year. Continue reading
If we’ve learned anything from past downturns, it’s that there is no normal — new or old. In today’s stressful time, we just have to learn to play the hand we’re dealt. Here’s how one indie broker broaches life and work during a global pandemic. Continue reading
Sarah Richardson chats with Inman about staying competitive, choosing from a wide array of tech vendors and the importance of building a strong agent culture. Continue reading
Instead of complaining about clients, be the one who educates them, provides information and holds their hand when necessary — and please answer the damn phone. Continue reading
How can you tell if an agent is looking to exit your firm? Here are seven warning signs to look out for, and what to do if you spot them. Continue reading
How can you tell if an agent is looking to exit your firm? Here are seven warning signs to look out for, and what to do if you spot them. Continue reading
Brokerages are feeling squeezed, and profit margins are under pressure as fickle agents jump between the highest bidders. So what’s the best way for brokerages to navigate these choppy waters? Find out from The Address’ Troy Palmquist and Avio Properti… Continue reading
As an indie broker and a self-professed tech geek, regular columnist Erica Ramus has learned a few things. Here are seven truths you should know before investing in technology. Continue reading