Three-quarters of all couples fight during the homebuying process

77 percent of homebuyers and 71 percent of homesellers say they’ve argued with a loved one over the process, according to a new survey conducted by The Harris Poll. Continue reading

Keeping It Real: Pick a ‘shipping date’

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” Peter Lorimer discusses the need to stop fear from blocking you in making progress on your goals.  Continue reading

Jon Bon Jovi’s New Jersey mansion hits the market for $20M

The singer from the iconic 1980s rock band Bon Jovi has put his New Jersey estate, modeled after European castles, on the market. Continue reading

The professional cyclist co-leading a team in the heart of Silicon Valley

This week, Kat Carroll of the reSolve Group in Palo Alto balances the needs of her tech-savvy clientele with the obligations of running her 1-year-old real estate business. Continue reading

Nile Niami finds buyer for $50M Beverly Hills spec mansion

Known for his over-the-top L.A. mansions, real estate developer Nile Niami has sealed a deal for his 20,500-square-foot Opus mansion in Beverly Hills. Continue reading

Nile Niami finds buyer for $50M Beverly Hills spec mansion

Known for his over-the-top L.A. mansions, real estate developer Nile Niami has sealed a deal for his 20,500-square-foot Opus mansion in Beverly Hills. Continue reading