‘Being tardy’ and 6 other ways real estate agents annoy clients

If you’ve ever sensed annoyance, anger or frustration in your real estate client, you might be guilty of one of the following seven traits. Continue reading

‘Being tardy’ and 6 other ways real estate agents annoy clients

If you’ve ever sensed annoyance, anger or frustration in your real estate client, you might be guilty of one of the following seven traits. Continue reading

When should you refinance and invest in additional properties

Many real estate markets in the U.S. are in prime positions for refinancing a rental property to be able to invest in additional properties. But, how do you know if you should refinance or continue with your current mortgage? It’s all about the r… Continue reading

When should you refinance and invest in additional properties

Many real estate markets in the U.S. are in prime positions for refinancing a rental property to be able to invest in additional properties. But, how do you know if you should refinance or continue with your current mortgage? It’s all about the r… Continue reading

5 text messages to restart a conversation with clients

How can you use smart text messaging to help you connect with a lead or client who has chilled? Here are some reader favorites to help you get back in the flow of communication. Continue reading

The Real Word: Should you be worried about agent-cutting?

Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White give a real estate agent’s perspective on industry-related topics. This week, Byron and Nicole debate a column by Brad Inman that covers some of the most significant issues in real estate today, including agent-cutti… Continue reading

Keeping It Real: 4 tips for getting a steady diet of mentorship

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer gives his top tips for finding an exceptional mentor and surrounding yourself with knowledge.  Continue reading

Smart-home tech for agents: Top 10 automations

In this weekly column, hosts Brandon Doyle and Colton Pratt walk through smart-home products and showcase their capabilities while reviewing pros and cons. This week, automation. Wireless technologies, sensors and voice activation mean that you can con… Continue reading

Agent/broker perspective: Should political opinions be kept off social media?

In this column, Anthony Askowitz explores a hypothetical Miami real estate situation from both sides of the broker/agent dynamic. This month: An agent with strong political and societal opinions wants to share them on her social media platforms. How ca… Continue reading