Does property activity online boost your listing’s exposure?
Why aren’t we looking closer at views, favorites and the metrics that make a listing stand out? Troy Palmquist digs into popular sites’ metrics, or lack thereof. Continue reading
Why aren’t we looking closer at views, favorites and the metrics that make a listing stand out? Troy Palmquist digs into popular sites’ metrics, or lack thereof. Continue reading
There’s been much dialogue around why agents choose a certain brokerage and what makes them so fiercely protective of the one they’ve picked. The bottom line is it’s an intensely personal decision, which comes as a result of many different factors. Her… Continue reading
Especially as you begin in real estate, it’s critical to assemble a support system that will carry you through the highs and lows of this business. Here’s what you should do to seek out those who will aid your professional development. Continue reading
Is it naive to think that Canadian Organized Real Estate’s current approach to the collection and interpretation of data will ensure its relevance, and that of the Realtor, as the industry and technology continue to evolve? Quite simply, yes, it is. Wh… Continue reading
There are at least three other cases currently pending before the California Labor Commissioner (Department of Labor Standards Enforcement) that offer a simultaneous threat to independent contractor status. Don’t despair yet — there might be sunshine o… Continue reading
In this monthly advice column, the Marketing Mastermind answers three burning questions. This month’s topic: leveraging the media. Find out how effective media outreach can make you the bonafide real estate aficionado in your area from PR expert Christ… Continue reading
An online survey conducted by Wakefield Research — said to be the first to examine the link between high rents and the ability to pay medical bills — found that more than half of all renters delay seeking medical care because they can’t afford it after… Continue reading
A few years ago, a real estate veteran allegedly wore a hat with the number “40” emblazoned on the crown, which was his purported ranking on the Stefan Swanepoel 200 Power List. Continue reading
Because you’re running your own business, it’s even more important to balance all of your talents and cognizantly incorporate good marketing in your day-to-day tasks — regardless of your experience level or what’s happening in the market as a whole. He… Continue reading
Who is your ideal client? Everyone, right? Wrong. Here’s why honing in on your target audience is crucial to killing it in your market and how to make sure you’re doing it right. Continue reading