Help clients get spring deals done with an assumable mortgage

Get buyers off the fence and help sellers market their homes more effectively when you tap into the potential of assumable mortgages, Troy Palmquist writes. Continue reading

Cap on servicer fees for FHA loan assumptions doubled to $1,800

While lenders welcomed the increase, it might benefit homebuyers as well, by giving loan servicers more incentive to process FHA loan assumptions quickly. Continue reading

Assumable loan platform Roam offers seller closing guarantee

If it takes longer than 60 days from the time an offer is accepted until close of escrow, Roam will make the homeseller’s mortgage payments for up 60 days after the scheduled closing date. Continue reading

VC-backed Roam seeks to connect buyers to assumable mortgages

In theory, any government-backed FHA, VA and USDA loan is assumable, and with mortgage rates at levels not seen in two decades, interest in this little-used option has been growing. Continue reading