26% of your office is touched by disability. Are you prepared?

Trainer Rachael Hite takes a deep dive in this interview series with two experts about what it takes to create an environment that is accessible for those with disabilities. If you are working at building diversity, equity and inclusion into your busin… Continue reading

3 free and easy marketing ideas that work in this market

When times get tough, turn to free grassroots marketing and relationship-building to help you weather the challenges, Chicago broker Julie Busby writes. Continue reading

7 strategies to keep self-talk sabotage at bay

The stories you tell yourself and the language that use can impact your attitude and performance, entrepreneur Christine George writes. Here’s how to keep self-talk positive. Continue reading

How this digital marketing expert provides ‘aha moments’ for agents

As part of his Snapshot series, Brandon Doyle shares how this owner of Just Sell Homes helps clients translate their marketing message into meaningful connections. Continue reading

How to plant your geo-farm to harvest closed sales this fall

Know you need to create a farm, but not sure where to start? This step-by-step guide from Jimmy Burgess will help you choose your neighborhoods and market them effectively. Continue reading

The shiny objects keeping you from serving your clients

Don’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. Find the home your buyer clients are looking for and help them get to the closing table. Continue reading

Chill out: 7 ways to keep agents (and listings) safe from the heat

Extreme weather has become a fact of life. Find out how to ensure your agents, and the properties they represent, stay safe this summer. Continue reading