Conflict can be a good thing. Here’s how to keep it from becoming toxic

Disagreements are inevitable in business. Team leader Carl Medford has sussed through much research to bring you seven ways conflict can be a good thing and nine tips for keeping it healthy. Continue reading

Donna Gland, longtime NAR HR Chief, set to retire after 38 years

Some NAR staffers and members had called for Gland’s resignation, alleging she allowed a toxic work environment to flourish. Continue reading

Bad company: 13 tips for avoiding toxicity in real estate

In this market, who has time to deal with personal conflicts and toxicity? Whether it’s in the office, at home or with clients, we’ve pulled together some top advice from Inman contributors to help ensure you’re fulfilled in your work life. Find out ho… Continue reading

Keeping It Real: The 4 cornerstones of business

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer discusses the essential pillars that keep him and his business sustainable. Listen in to find out more. Continue reading

Keeping It Real: How to kill success

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer talks about how to get out of your head and do what’s best for you and your business. Continue reading

20 things you need to do before 2020

Our industry is shifting, and as we approach a new decade, I know that the agents who are savvy and willing to be dynamic will come out on top. Here’s what you need to check off the list before the new year rolls around. Continue reading

How to achieve happiness in real estate

Skipping down the road without a care is just not a realistic goal for your happiness level. What is realistic is being happier in your career, which will result in a happier life. So let’s talk about how to be happy in real estate, the chosen professi… Continue reading

Keeping It Real: Why comparison is toxic for your business

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer illuminates why comparing yourself to others is a time-suck. Comparison, especially toward the beginning of your career, is a waste of time. And your time is a val… Continue reading