Mauricio Umansky knows a thing or 2 about leveraging media coverage

No matter how many years of real estate experience you have, thoughtfully embracing and leveraging media coverage can be a highly impactful way to amplify your brand, expand your business and gain new clients. Continue reading

Put yourself out there! How to develop a media relations strategy

Growing your content marketing plan means adding leverage by reaching out to the media. Part four of this five-part series shares what to write and how to craft a media outreach strategy. Continue reading

Is your Facebook page a ghost town? 5 mistakes that scare off clients

Creating a great Facebook strategy means balancing the spontaneity of social media with the intentional aspects of effective marketing. Laura Stace offers tips to get you started or help you take your Facebook game to the next level. Continue reading

6 tips for expanding your network with social media

From sharing personal stories to engaging with your audience and creating valuable content, utilizing these tools will ensure your sphere of influence continues to grow. Continue reading

How Much News Is Too Much News These Days?

If you regularly watch, listen to or read the news, you’re being inundated by the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis right now. But even before the pandemic dominated the media, there was always plenty of anxiety-inducing content — crime, political division… Continue reading

A Social History of Older Women in America

“If you’re getting older — or preparing to get older — knowing what’s happened in the past is important,” says Gail Collins. What’s happened? Well, throughout history, society’s views on older females have varied widely, even among women themselves, an… Continue reading

Who Shares Fake News? (We Know It Wasn’t You)

Fake news sharing was an epidemic in 2016. But according to researchers, those claims seem to have been exaggerated. In a recent study, over 90% of 3,500 respondents surveyed shared no fake news at all. If most of us don’t think we were sharing fake ne… Continue reading

Dear Marketing Mastermind: How can media make you the go-to local expert?

In this monthly advice column, the Marketing Mastermind answers three burning questions. This month’s topic: leveraging the media. Find out how effective media outreach can make you the bonafide real estate aficionado in your area from PR expert Christ… Continue reading