This Women’s History Month, make your DEI outcomes measurable

Standardize planning with a simple DEI checklist, Dr. Lee Davenport writes, and share measurable outcomes along with personal feedback and stories from each event as part of your diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Continue reading

Black History Month, DEI and the roots of representation

Dr. Lee Davenport offers lessons from the life and career of Sen. Edward Brooke, who helped codify fair housing at the federal level. Continue reading

Fair housing protections rolled back on Day 1 of Trump presidency

Having fair access and the opportunity to lease or own a home is paramount to the American dream, Dr. Lee Davenport writes. Here’s how new policies could impact that goal. Continue reading

When divisive political rhetoric crosses the fair housing line

Costs and lawsuits are on the rise. Make sure that your marketing and practices don’t set you up for a fair housing violation or accusation with help from Dr. Lee Davenport. Continue reading

Wildfires don’t discriminate, but people do. Fight back with fairness

As real estate first responders, Dr. Lee Davenport writes, let us be mindful to fight fire with fairness and fair housing in mind. Continue reading

Harris touts a $25K down payment grant. Will homebuyers care?

The question we should be asking about Kamala Harris’ down payment grant proposal, Dr. Lee Davenport writes, is, “Will anyone jump through hurdles to take part in the program?” Continue reading

Don’t facilitate source of income discrimination by sellers

Don’t discourage your sellers from talking to FHA, VA, USDA or DPA buyers, fair housing advocate Dr. Lee Davenport writes. Help facilitate both a timely sale and greater affordability. Continue reading

7 procedural components to make eminent domain seizures more fair

Procedural fairness pertains to the just treatment of the processes and methods used to make eminent domain decisions and resolve disputes, real estate educator Lee Davenport writes. Continue reading

4 ways homesellers can maximize their home’s appraisal value

Fair housing expert Dr. Lee Davenport says that your low appraisal may have nothing to do with the lack of landscaping. Continue reading

Will your chatbot get you canceled? 10 AI questions to ask

Fair housing advocate Dr. Lee Davenport shares 10 questions to ask before adopting an AI-based chatbot or consumer-facing platform for your real estate business. Continue reading