Wasted spaces, bad odors, crazy colors: 9 buyer turnoffs to avoid

In this market, many buyers are choosing the most affordable homes with the fewest flaws, broker Jonathan Pressman writes. Use this list to avoid the ick factor and get deals done. Continue reading

4 ways to stage a home that won’t fail to impress 

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. New agents should master these simple, tried-and-true staging techniques to ensure that every listing looks and feels its best. Continue reading

Why getting the Pinterest look in your listings matters

All the images of perfect-looking properties online have heightened buyer expectations. Here are some statistics to be familiar with if your clients are reluctant to stage their property. Continue reading

The Joys of the Minimalist Life in Retirement

“The freedom on the other side of our stuff makes us truly euphoric!” That’s the phrase minimalist Amy Rutherford, 51, of Parker, Colo., uses to describe the feeling of joy she and her husband Tim, 52, now enjoy after getting rid of most of their posse… Continue reading