Using Chime CRM? Here are 3 next-level tips for maximizing conversion

They say that the most effective CRM is the one you actually use, but lead capture is just the first step. Here’s how to use Chime CRM to focus on optimizing your entire process from appointment to agreement, agreement to contract, contract to settleme… Continue reading

Inman Review: GetAccept helps agents stay in touch and convert leads

Built outside of real estate for business-to-business sales with strong CRM roots, GetAccept is a sales support software that occupies a rare spot between CRM and transaction manager. Continue reading

9 tactics to up your sales skills — and win more deals

This is the kind of market that favors the savvy salesperson, even above all the technology, marketing and trendy national brands. These are the times to get back to basics, to rediscover — or begin to uncover — the power of sales. Here’s what it takes… Continue reading

REALM connects members by ‘matching’ buyers and listings

Julie Faupel started in the hospitality industry. Before she launched her successful real estate brokerage in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Faupel worked with top hotels where she was able to create—and recreate—guest experiences across properties. Continue reading

‘What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get improved’: Lead management fuels discussion at ICNY

RE/MAX Select President, Conversion Monster Founder and Boomtown executive come together to share best practices and concerns about agent accountability to provided leads. Continue reading

Do this before you spend another dollar on lead generation

Sometimes it seems like agents are hungry machines, starving for one thing: leads. And it’s curious to explore why that is. Leads are new, sure, so they may seem more full of promise, or more excitement. It’s a metric by which many agents measure their… Continue reading

Can you afford the cost of doing nothing?

It was around this time last year that I was writing on change, saying, “If I’ve learned nothing else in almost fifteen years in the real estate business, it’s that the only constant is change — shifts are plentiful, but they’re rarely easy.” Continue reading

Can you afford the cost of doing nothing?

It was around this time last year that I was writing on change, saying, “If I’ve learned nothing else in almost fifteen years in the real estate business, it’s that the only constant is change — shifts are plentiful, but they’re rarely easy.” Continue reading

Brokers: are you too focused on the small details?

“If you just focus on the smallest details, you never get the big picture right.” It’s rare for someone running a real estate brokerage to intentionally focus on the small details and overlook their big-picture goals. Continue reading