Can your brokerage be tech-savvy or customer-centric? The answer is both.

Real estate continues to see new models try to disrupt the industry’s more traditional framework. From “technology-first” brokerages to the iBuyer movement, movers and shakers dominate the news feeds. To prevail, you must win the consumer and technolog… Continue reading

Four things to consider when choosing your first brokerage

Congratulations! You’re about to embark on an exciting new career as a real estate agent. But like all change, it can be scary, filled with difficult decisions, starting with like what real estate brokerage you will choose. Which one will help give you… Continue reading

Your client is getting nervous. Now what?

Anyone working in real estate knows that clients experience hesitation — and who can blame them? Whether they’re putting a property on the market or looking to buy their next home, they’re preparing to make a potentially momentous transaction. Continue reading

Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials: use the right rich media to reach your ideal buyer

As Will Rogers famously said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” In our high paced, data-driven world this phrase has never been more accurate. Research shows that we now form our first impression in just a tenth of a second. Continue reading

How to personalize the homebuyer journey and exceed customer expectations

Compared to a few decades ago, purchasing a home today is more of a digital experience. Homebuyers have easy access to online educational tools and resources, making them hands-on and proactive with their home search. Continue reading

The value-added services clients appreciate most

I was once hired to sell a breathtaking property in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, with 63 acres of private parkland. While beautiful, the listing was also a challenge: I had a very motivated seller, a multimillion-dollar home, and a property the size of a… Continue reading

The missing factor that could 4x your business

There is a direct correlation between real estate growth and the size of your lead database. Seems like a no-brainer, right? More leads equal more opportunity for success. Continue reading

Why is it so hard to make the transaction seamless?

Brad Inman had two words for the discussion group that I was part of at Disconnect 2019. “Think bigger,” he told us. The group included leaders from all over the real estate industry, and Endpoint facilitated the discussion. Our particular challenge wa… Continue reading

Above and beyond: how 3 real estate leaders earned a referral

As a customer, there’s nothing better than when someone goes above and beyond for you. It might be at the grocery store, the doctor’s office, or the bank. The location doesn’t matter. What matters is that when people genuinely care about what’s best fo… Continue reading

The race is on for real estate web APIs

After a period of slow adoption of Web APIs in real estate, there’s finally been a turning point in the industry. This is good news for tech-conscious brokers, their vendors, and the MLSs who have long known that Web APIs offer a faster, more secure an… Continue reading