How I evolved into an authentic and effective servant leader
The question isn’t “Are you a leader?” It’s “What type of leader are you?” CEO Justin Bailey writes in this examination of his leadership journey. Continue reading
The question isn’t “Are you a leader?” It’s “What type of leader are you?” CEO Justin Bailey writes in this examination of his leadership journey. Continue reading
Broker Pam Blair shares how your leadership style can impact the rest of your pack and what you can learn from the animal world to make you more effective. Continue reading
Encouraging a culture that values balance for agents is an important part of recruiting and retaining top-tier talent, luxury consultant Chris Pollinger writes. Continue reading
Your leadership defines your legacy, especially in the face of industry challenges. Luxury consultant Chris Pollinger offers a team-building prescription for tough times. Continue reading
Running a team is like leading a family, team leader Carl Medford writes. It takes concerted efforts to keep relationships intact and functioning in a healthy way. Continue reading
Want your agents to look forward to meetings? Broker Joseph Santini shares five tips for making your office meetings must-attend events (and five things to avoid at all costs).
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Growing and scaling a team is one of leadership’s most challenging yet rewarding aspects. Side’s Manny Solis shares insights to consider when examining your own leadership style. Continue reading
Helping to facilitate strong agent-to-agent relationships is crucial for team leaders and brokers, writes trainer and CEO Suzanne Seini, and takes practice and guidance. Continue reading
Author and trainer Bernice Ross and Verl Workman, co-founder of Workman Success Systems, discuss the strategies top-producing teams are leaning into now. Continue reading
The mark of a great leader, Victoria Kennedy writes, is that they don’t hoard power for themselves but empower others to build and grow their sphere of influence. Continue reading