Need a break from hustle culture? Cuddle up to plush prospecting

Burned out and bummed out is no way to start the new year. Try these plush gentle prospecting techniques to shift out of the grind and find some peace of mind. Continue reading

Do more, stress less: A pain-free approach to productivity

Game-changing improvements without the hustle hype? Christy Murdock offers common sense tips for recharging your productivity and doing more without the stress. Continue reading

How (and when) to say ‘no’

It’s a tough skill to learn, but setting your boundaries with a polite — but firm — “no” is an essential way to control your time, energy and professional life in today’s “yes” culture. Continue reading

New year, new you: 8 ways to practice self-care

With the changing landscape of our field, the changing business models and the speed at which we have to respond to survive, it’s strategic and smart to practice self-care. Continue reading

Sara Werner Costa on ‘inner peace and a constant state of joy’

The ICNY 2020 panelist and The Costa Group CEO shares how a background in psychology guides her personal and business life. Continue reading

Why hustle culture is toxic (and how you can escape it)

Hustle culture is rooted in the idea that more effort, more hours and more dedication are all that is required for success. It’s less about work ethic and more about self-sacrifice on the alter of getting more. More business, more money — more, more, m… Continue reading