Learn the Law of 3, a strategic tool for real estate leadership

You’ve heard of the Pareto Principle. Take it to the next level with the Law of Three, writes luxury consultant Chris Pollinger, a strategy designed to make your leadership more impactful. Continue reading

10 tasks real estate agents delegate (but absolutely shouldn’t)

If the 80-20 principle is correct, then agents must delegate tasks. But broker Nick Schlekeway says many agents have taken it too far. Here are the areas agents should stop delegating and personally handle with care. Continue reading

Mastering delegation: What to do when you can’t do it all

Mastering the art of delegation is a critical skill for leaders ascending the ranks in the real estate industry, writes The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin. Continue reading

New year, new you: 8 ways to practice self-care

With the changing landscape of our field, the changing business models and the speed at which we have to respond to survive, it’s strategic and smart to practice self-care. Continue reading