Searching for a mentor? Look for these 11 qualities

Not all agents and brokers are cut out to be mentors. Some are too busy to teach, and others are too “old school” to think outside of the box. When mentally vetting candidates, here are some must-have characteristics a mentor should possess. Continue reading

You’ve made it to the top, but your work isn’t done. Here’s what you need.

“It’s more difficult to stay on top than to get there.” Mia Hamm, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, and two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion. Being the top agent in your market means building a practice that is not just okay or average. Continue reading

‘Work-life balance is attainable’ And other misnomers that make life miserable

Free yourself from misery by realizing how some common work-life maxims are really just myths that we need to either ignore or redefine. Continue reading

Why (and how) to quit managing time and start managing choices

A real estate sales career doesn’t fit nicely into a 5-day a week, 9-to-5 schedule. After all, real estate agents are entrepreneurs whose living depends on making the most of their time, regardless of what time (or day) it might be. Continue reading

Using tech to build a business the old-fashioned way

There’s no denying that the investment in technology within the real estate industry has been growing year over year. In 2017, investment in real estate tech companies was $12 billion — 400 times more than the investment in 2010 — and the figure is sur… Continue reading

Using tech to build a business the old-fashioned way

There’s no denying that the investment in technology within the real estate industry has been growing year over year. In 2017, investment in real estate tech companies was $12 billion — 400 times more than the investment in 2010 — and the figure is sur… Continue reading

Want to take back your personal life? Start with these 3 tips

To achieve optimal work-life balance, you must learn to manage time. Here are a few things you can start doing today to immediately improve your time-management skills. Continue reading

5 fundamental principles every agent should follow

It’s so easy to forget the fundamental principles that always lead to success in building, growing and sustaining a real estate business. Here’s a simple reminder. Continue reading

6 time management tips agents can’t succeed without

In the fast-paced real estate environment with so many moving pieces, it’s critical for agents to manage their time wisely. Be the Marie Kondo of time management: Declutter your schedule, and keep only the activities that bring you closer to your goals Continue reading

These 3 habits will help you stay on top of purchase season

Purchase season is approaching, which means agents are preparing themselves for the busiest—and potentially most profitable—time of year. So what habits do agents and industry professionals implement to make the most of the season? Continue reading