Forget training! Focus on skill-building with your team

Mastery starts with role-playing with peers, then graduates to practicing the skills in real-world environments. We can’t teach world-class boxers from behind a desk. They must get into the ring, writes Chris Pollinger.  Continue reading

The MAGIC formula for dealing with a bad agent on the other side

We often only need a little edge when confronted with an incompetent agent or miserable curmudgeon. Sometimes just a flick and swish of your wand is all it takes to win. Continue reading

The real reason so many new agents quit in 5 years

Real estate is not for the faint of heart, according to Bret Weinstein. Too many new agents never get a fair shot at showing what they can do given competent leadership and mentoring. Continue reading

Is your new hire ready to run? Tips to help you onboard like you mean it

Are you prepared to help your new hires be successful? Many brokers have misconceptions about how much training it actually takes to help your team members stick around past day one. Continue reading

4 simple ways to train team members when you’re not the expert

Even though you’re a team leader, you don’t have to be the last word on everything. When training your team, writes Joel Lock, it’s important to do your homework and know what you don’t know. Continue reading

5 steps for onboarding team members who’ll stick

Onboarding is the most important thing you can do for a new hire, according to agent Joel Lock. It sets them up for success both personally and in their new role. Continue reading

Before you take the plunge: What to know before becoming a part-time agent

Ready to begin your real estate career by going part-time? Joel Lock offers his tried-and-true advice for agents taking the dual-career plunge. Continue reading

3 digital training courses leaders should take 

Moving from the role of independent agent to that of a team leader requires a different skill set. Taking the time to take a course on leadership can provide the background needed to lead your team in the best way possible. Continue reading

Compass will give agents $10K for training and coaching

The 10×10 Business Growth Challenge will pay individual agents and team leaders to participate in various training programs over the course of 10 weeks. Continue reading

Looking for the right fit? 5 factors to consider when brokerage hunting

Whether you’re a newbie just getting started or an experienced veteran, choosing a brokerage is something every agent faces at some point. By knowing what differentiates one firm from another, you suss through the heap and find the brokerage that will … Continue reading