Guidance or steering? Red flags of giving professional advice

Understanding the difference between steering and providing thoughtful and meaningful advice and guidance to clients is essential for navigating the future of real estate, mega team leader Carl Medford writes. Continue reading

Empower homefront heroes with source of income freedom, fairness

This Memorial Day, Dr. Lee Davenport writes, in addition to words of gratitude and affirmation, it’s even more important that our veterans have access to affordable housing choices that accept their hard-earned benefits.  Continue reading

What are you supposed to tell your clients now? The Download

In the face of so much rapid change and an often-frustrating lack of clarity from The Powers That Be, what the heck are you supposed to tell your buyers and sellers now? Continue reading

How are you preparing for upcoming industry changes? Pulse

With settlement approvals and impending rule changes, we’re wondering, what steps are you taking (if any) to get ready? Continue reading

10 answers to the questions confused sellers are asking now

The changing real estate landscape and media misinformation are creating confusion for homesellers. Mega-team leader Carl Medford lays out the facts so that you can educate your clients. Continue reading

Your essential marketing toolkit for a post-NAR settlement landscape

Ready to transform the way you communicate your value to clients? Marketing expert Marci James helps you reshape the agent-client relationship by prioritizing clear communication and exceptional results. Continue reading

The freshest business trends agents need to recognize in 2024

The business of selling real estate is evolving at an ever-escalating pace. If you can identify some of the emerging trends and begin to act on those trends, Jimmy Burgess writes, you’ll separate yourself from your competition like never before. Continue reading