Rise and fall: How much real estate CEOs lost in the stock market slide this week

On Wednesday, the Dow Jones stock index plummeted 800 points. Here are the publicly traded real estate CEOs who took the biggest hit. Continue reading

Redfin hires new chief economist from Amazon

Redfin has a new chief economist. Daryl Fairweather, who comes to Redfin from Amazon, will oversee the tech-powered brokerages team of economists and data scientists, who research and compile reports on the market, homeownership and the economic factor… Continue reading

How mergers, money and machines are reshaping real estate

The real estate industry is a space ripe for change and disruption — from the way homes are bought and sold, to how people are paying and who’s doing that buying and selling. With change happening at such a torrid pace, it’s often hard to keep up, so w… Continue reading

Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman: There’s too much money in real estate

Glenn Kelman, Redfin’s CEO and president took the helm of the real estate brokerage 13 years ago, this month. He talks to Inman about the ups and downs. Continue reading

Exclusive Livestream: Redfin’s Race & Real Estate Symposium

Redfin is hosting a symposium on race and real estate in its Seattle office on Sept. 6, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST). Continue reading

Who wins, loses if market slows

While no experts are predicting anything like the 2008 financial crisis, it’s worth looking at how the real estate industry might fare if the market slows. Continue reading