Thinking of taking your listing off the market? Do these 4 things instead

Taking an apartment temporarily off the market for three weeks or a month does not reset the clock for the total days on the market. Instead, try these tips to get your listings sold. Continue reading

A top-producer’s 5 simple rules for social media

Agents who implement a concise strategy differentiate themselves, attract more clients and build a revenue-generating brand. Here are some of the social media rules that I follow daily. Continue reading

9 irresistible holiday contests for Facebook and Instagram

Simply put, contests are an easy way to boost online engagement, build your email list and gain exposure to your friends’ and followers’ networks — and the holiday season offers plenty of inspiration. Here are nine clever social media contests people c… Continue reading

Ask the Inman Ambassadors: What should you do in NYC?

Whether it’s your first time or you make the trip regularly, there’s always something new to do or see in this part of the world. Continue reading

3 tips for crushing the ‘Monopoly for Millennials’ mentality

Inman’s recent hot-button post “‘Monopoly for Millennials’ hits shelves, sans real estate” got regular Inman contributor Troy Palmquist thinking. How can we as agents better serve millennials and get them into homes? Here’s what he’s come up with. Continue reading

The right way to market yourself during the holidays

The winter holidays are always ripe for some of the best marketing opportunities of the year. So before you book that flight to the Caribbean or ski-country, consider how you are going to tackle the two areas of marketing that never stop needing your a… Continue reading

Connect the Sessions: Learn how to thrive in a turning market

Join us for an entire afternoon of programming at ICNY around how to thrive in a turning market. Continue reading