FHFA gutting Fannie, Freddie minority homeownership programs

Flood of orders published without explanation on social media target programs and practices designed to boost lending in minority communities, protect borrowers from unfair or deceptive practices. Continue reading

Name change, budget cuts at top of HUD secretary’s list

Department of Urban Housing and Development Secretary Scott Turner put budget cuts and a department name change at the top of his list, while fair housing and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs were noticeably absent. Continue reading

Real estate industry welcomes FHA premium cuts, with caveats

Cuts are expected to save borrowers $678 million a year but don’t apply to existing loans or release homeowners who have built up equity from “life-of-loan” requirements. Continue reading

Citi pledges to serve more minority homebuyers

The lender is expanding access to HomeRun and Lender Paid Assistance mortgage programs, two loan products that can be important tools for minority borrowers in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Continue reading