What’s next? Top economists tackle the biggest questions in real estate

What is the state of the housing market, and what can you expect next? Find out from two of the industry’s leading economists, Leslie Appleton-Young and John Tuccillo, in this wide-ranging discussion with trainer and author Bernice Ross. Continue reading

7 pros and cons of having a real estate investing partner

Investing in real estate with a partner can be extremely appealing and comes with many advantages. However, there are also some potential pitfalls. Here are seven pros and cons to consider before taking on a real estate investing partner.  Continue reading

3 essentials for your all-hands-on-deck marketing meeting

There is no getting around the fact that your team’s marketing strategy needs an update. Here are three essential points to consider to adjust the sails for your brokerage messaging over the next few months. Continue reading

How to help buyers prepare for new construction realities of today

Helping a buyer prepare for the purchase and development of a new construction home is a nuanced task. The Agency’s Santiago Arana offers strategies to help you guide and advise your clients through every step of the process. Continue reading

3 ways to think longer-term marketing strategies

Let’s face it: It’s so easy to get caught up in the here and how and not worry about the long term. Marketing expert Molly Briscoe has some sage advice for thinking about your future pipeline. Continue reading

5 tips for becoming stronger in a down market

A challenging market is exactly where real estate agents provide the most value, writes The Agency’s David Walker. Here’s how to become stronger as the market gets harder. Continue reading

7 reasons you should seriously (re)consider LinkedIn

If you’re treating all of your social profiles the same, you’re missing out on the unique advantages LinkedIn offers. Broker Troy Palmquist lays out the differences between Linkedin and other platforms and offers strategies for differentiating your pro… Continue reading

Agent Outlook: Know the market so that you can translate the market

Being able to crunch the numbers and speak about trends allows you to better interpret market movements for leads and clients in your area. Livian’s Eric Forney offers the relevant data so that you always know where to focus. Continue reading

10 essentials for effective negotiating in today’s market

The last two years in real estate were like a party that just kept going. Luxury agent Cara Ameer offers insights that allow you to navigate the new realities with skill and confidence. Continue reading