StackWrap makes sense of your tech-stack: Tech Review

Indie broker Max Fitzgerald built this app to be the top layer of brokerage tech stack, enabling better organization, access and understanding of its most-used tools. Continue reading

Renters insurance verification? Try CheckMy Resident: Tech Review

CheckMy Resident by Modives is software that makes it easy for landlords and property managers to verify renters’ insurance, Inman tech reviewer Craig Rowe writes. Continue reading

Land tells a story. Sell it with Land id: Tech Review

The web and mobile application offers users exceptionally in-depth information on the one global resource that can no longer be produced — land. Continue reading

Humaniz recognizes the challenges of hiring: Tech Review

Humaniz is hiring software for the real estate industry, addressing a critical business need that has very little standardization and impressive fragmentation. Continue reading

Run a better real estate business with Formations: Tech Review

Formations helps real estate agents smartly manage their annual tax commitments and monitor long-term financial performance. Continue reading

More communications, less fluff. Bonzo upends the CRM: Tech Revew

Bonzo deftly avoids CRM stereotypes, yet does exactly what a true CRM should. Its video, live chat, email and text campaigns focus on quick responses, relevant subject matter and traceable discussions. Continue reading

Prisidio digitally curates life’s content, with a business twist: Tech Review

Prisidio is a digital content storage system for documents, pictures, videos, links and just about anything related to life and business. Continue reading

Brokerage Engine keeps your business running smoothly

Brokerage Engine is build-to-suit software designed to help brokers support their operation in a myriad of ways. Continue reading

Interactive Virtual Tours’ floor plan product faces a tough field of competitors: Tech Review

To fully leverage Interactive Virtual Tours floor plan tool, the user needs two additional vendors: one to produce a floor plan and one to produce the photos. Given what’s out there today, this seems more than mildly inconvenient. Continue reading

Showingly proves itself a comprehensive tool for showing property: Tech review

Showingly is an app for multiple listing services, brokerages, agents and consumers to use when searching for homes, scheduling showings and integrating listing activity into day-to-day business. Continue reading