Inman Review: Can iBuyers get you leads? They can with Zoodealio

Zoodealio’s features and offer comparison tools make every agent an iBuyer in the name of getting more listing business. Continue reading

9 tips for getting in good with local listing agents

Being an agent others trust and like to work with is a reputation you earn over time. If you’re new in the field, there are a few things you can do to develop those helpful ties, showcase your professionalism and cultivate a network you’ll rely on time… Continue reading

NAR survey shows listing agents divided on staging homes

Just over half of listing agents believe staging boosts how much buyers will offer, but about the same share don’t actually stage. Meanwhile, agents report TV shows give buyers unrealistic expectations of how homes should look. Continue reading

8 bogus questions sellers ask when interviewing listing agents

Some of the tried-and-true questions sellers have been asking for years are actually totally meaningless. Here are the top bogus questions sellers ask along with ways to effectively counter them. Continue reading

Open house manager OHGuests packages features with affordability

Barely a month old, this open house management solution for individual agents and hands-on brokers stresses data security and affordability, and it’s flexible for all mobile operating systems. Continue reading

Facing a buyer’s market? 5 pivots listing agents must make

Based on the numbers and our personal experience of a larger number of prospects shopping but not buying, we suspect the seller’s market is about over. Here are five areas listing agents need to rethink and focus on when buyers are calling the shots. Continue reading

What’s a great lead worth? Ideal Agent puts that question to the test

Ideal Agent advertises to homesellers that they can save money on their home sale and work with only the top local agents. To listing agents, it promises ready-to-go leads. Here’s how it works. Continue reading

Closing emergency! 6 last-minute snags and how to solve them

Whether it’s a lender who over-promised and under-delivered the timeline for loan approval, buyers or sellers who dropped the ball in some way (despite numerous reminders from their agent) or an agent who either failed to communicate timely details or … Continue reading