4 long-term benefits of ethical real estate leadership
Proven systems and trustworthy leadership make all the difference in building a brokerage to be proud of, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes. Continue reading
Proven systems and trustworthy leadership make all the difference in building a brokerage to be proud of, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes. Continue reading
Diversifying your marketing offering is not just about adopting new tactics, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes. It’s about staying flexible and open to meet (and exceed) the client’s changing expectations. Continue reading
Investing time and effort into community involvement, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes, is a powerful strategy for personal branding in luxury real estate. Continue reading
We all want to grow and improve our services, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes, and getting feedback is the first step in doing that. Continue reading
Navigating change in the dynamic real estate market, Rainy Hake Austin writes, demands a blend of self-awareness, strategic planning and effective utilization of support systems. Continue reading
Gaining traction in your market isn’t solely based on budget, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes. Prioritize creativity, authenticity, strategic thinking and these free marketing ideas. Continue reading
When you think long and hard about who you’re speaking to and what they want to hear, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes, you’ll see your efforts rewarded with a full pipeline, satisfied customers and great ROI. Continue reading
By embracing and amplifying female voices, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes, we can create a real estate industry that truly reflects the diversity and richness of the communities we serve. Continue reading
When you get clear on your mission and your brand’s culture, The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin writes, you can create positive and sustainable initiatives as you forge community partnerships. Continue reading
Culture can make or break the experience of your team members or agents. The Agency’s Rainy Hake Austin offers tips for optimizing its power. Continue reading