Rocket: Redfin acquisition will cut consumer transaction costs by half

Rocket executives say that a whopping $20,000 in savings from unifying home search, buying, selling, mortgage, title and servicing could allay antitrust concerns and keep regulators at bay after the deal closes. Continue reading

Stay tuned: The tumult of 2024 leaves real estate on a cliffhanger

What will happen with the commission litigation? Which companies may merge? How will consumers behave? The only thing that’s certain is that real estate’s next episode will be big. Continue reading

Redfin commission model drawing more, better agents: Jason Aleem

Aleem, Redfin’s chief of real estate services, also said the agents who have joined since the company adopted a commission model are making more money. Continue reading

Redfin Next expanding nationwide by the end of October

Seattle-based brokerage Redfin is taking its commission-based payment model, Redfin Next, nationwide on Oct. 27. Redfin Next enables agents to keep their W-2 status and benefits while earning competitive commission splits. Continue reading

Redfin expands new compensation plan to agents in 25 more markets

With the expansion, Redfin Next is now available to agents in 36 markets nationwide, according to an announcement Friday. Redfin execs said the plan has “proven to be even better” than expected. Continue reading

Redfin CEO: With commissions in peril ‘cooperation may crumble’

Kelman said during virtual Inman Connect on Wednesday that pressure from the bombshell lawsuits and the Department of Justice may ultimately lead to “a different world” than the one that exists today. Continue reading

Redfin eliminates salaries, pivots to commission model in LA and SF

Redfin will still classify agents as employees but, beginning next year, will transition those in some California markets to an all-commission-based pay program. Continue reading

‘Run for the fire’ Liz Gehringer shares advice for a downturn

“This is not a time to stabilize. If you stabilize in a market like now you’re going to fall behind. You have to grow,” Redfin’s Jason Aleem said at Inman Connect Las Vegas Wednesday. Continue reading

These are the mistakes that thwart brokers’ success

Panelists at Inman Connect New York on Tuesday said that brokers err by not having written plans, not being flexible and other shortcomings. Continue reading