Privacy rules are changing marketing. Are you prepared?

The privacy revolution is here, impacting every single way you do marketing on the internet. You must change too. You’re not going to be able to grow your business using yesterday’s playbook — so burn it. Continue reading

What on earth is going on with lumber prices?

Even though lumber prices have ticked down a bit recently, they’re still drastically up from where they were last year. So, what’s happening? Here’s a breakdown. Continue reading

NAR, stop fighting for commissions — make better Realtors

The DOJ has withdrawn from the proposed settlement with NAR, but all that brings to focus is that NAR has been fighting for commission while letting the industry slide in the public’s opinion thanks to the low barrier of entry, disruptors and focusing … Continue reading

Why banning buyer love letters is the right step forward

This week, Oregon became the first U.S. state to ban buyer love letters officially. This is a massive win for those of us in housing who support anti-discrimination and are fair housing advocates, and it could be a major victory for the industry as a w… Continue reading

Is a CMA an appraisal? Contrary to popular belief — it is

The current widespread misuse of the word “appraisal” may not uproot long-established mores, but everyone should raise their antenna a bit if they’re attempting to suggest a CMA is not an appraisal. Continue reading

Inman Review: RentSpree’s tools make quick work of tenant challenges

RentSpree’s founders noticed a leak in the workflow stream and built something not just to patch it — but to augment the entire leasing process. It has more than 400,000 users and 100 industry partners. Continue reading

The Real Word: How is the end of remote work impacting markets?

This week on The Real Word, Byron Lazine and Nicole White discuss how an end to remote work is impacting real estate markets. Plus, iBuying activity and Instagram’s new focus. Continue reading

Why the ongoing DOJ vs. NAR battle matters

You need to understand what’s happening in your industry. The DOJ’s most recent action seems to be a giant step backward toward any resolution. Here’s what you should know. Continue reading

6 client types every new agent should mentally prepare for

As a new agent, you’ll likely meet all sorts of different clients and personalities. Knowing how to approach each personality type will help you better communicate and navigate obstacles. Continue reading

Why we shouldn’t take July 4 for granted ever again

This year, as you gather for July Fourth or prepare for long-delayed vacations, take a moment to revel in the feeling of freedom we can all enjoy this summer. Continue reading