How to keep your sellers in the loop when their house isn’t moving

Keeping sellers in the loop isn’t just about providing updates, coach Darryl Davis writes. It’s about reinforcing confidence and, more importantly, earning their trust. Continue reading

16 incentives that may help sellers move their homes this fall

If you have listings left over from the slow spring and summer selling season, today’s lower interest rates may offer a boost. Carl Medford shares strategies to help get those homes sold as autumn arrives. Continue reading

The commission change mega-FAQ you need to start the historic week

Now that the “New Normal” has officially begun, it’s time to answer the frequently asked questions agents and brokerages have about the newly implemented commission settlement rule changes. Continue reading

10 reasons to embrace the shift to a seller-focused business

If agents want to beat out their local competition, writes trainer and leadership expert Jeff Glover, they need to start focusing on owning the listing inventory in their markets. Continue reading

Pool of agents working in LA shrunk amid slowdown last year: Analysis

The number of active real estate agents in LA decreased by 27 percent year over year, falling from 4,800 agents in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 3,500 agents during the same period in 2022. Continue reading