Overspending? Here’s how real estate agents can rein it in

Overspending is a significant challenge that almost every real estate agent has to face. However, with the right strategies and practices in place, you can rein in your spending and significantly grow your profits. Continue reading

What should (and shouldn’t) be in my Instagram bio?

If your bio is all about you, (how awesome you are, how many awards you’ve won, how many houses you’ve sold, etc.), then you’re bio is boring. Find out what should (and shouldn’t) make the cut. Continue reading

Let’s stay together: Why buyer love letters deserve a second chance

It’s time to question unfounded legal warnings and negative scenarios that don’t make sense so that we can put this tool to use for buyers, the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars writes. Continue reading

7 surprising facts about Buying Beverly Hills’ Ben Belack

You’ve seen him on Netflix’s “Buying Beverly Hills” but what did you really learn? In this Real Tea interview, we’ll go deeper on everything from romances, team movements, nepo-babies, Scandoval and more. Continue reading

Stand out: 6 personal branding tips for brand new real estate agents

Building a personal brand takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. By consistently applying these Brandamentals developed by branding guru Stacey Ross Cohen, you’ll see results. Continue reading

How to talk to clients about money (and all the rest): The Download

Agents can deal with economic headwinds by understanding their buyers’ mindset and helping them tap into down payment resources. Continue reading