Frustrated with inventory? 5 tips for getting creative

Working in a low inventory market can be frustrating for all parties involved. Broker Julie Bubsy offers advice on how to create inventory for your clients when there is seemingly nothing there. Continue reading

4 strategies to get your buyers back in the game

In a competitive marketplace, more than ever, buyers turn to experts in the field for creative, confidence-inducing solutions. Find ways to be the broker people think of when looking for answers.  Continue reading

6 tips for giving out-of-town buyers next-level service

If you’re helping buyers look for homes from a distance, with only a short trip to make their final decision in person, here’s how to create systems and processes to make working with out-of-town buyers more effective, efficient and rewarding. Continue reading

Use seller leasebacks to give your clients more options

Providing creative solutions to buyers and sellers, such as leasebacks, is a tangible way to add value and create opportunities, according to team leader Julie Busby. Sellers on the fence about selling are much more willing to try if they understand al… Continue reading