How ERA’s Michelle Johnson Lundy pays it forward

To ensure better representation this Women’s History Month and beyond, she writes, it’s critical to reduce barriers to entry, support women in their journeys and celebrate their success. Continue reading

Broker Spotlight: Jennifer Darby Metzger, The Agency Rutherford

Learn how this award-winning broker-owner went from top producer to leading The Agency’s first New Jersey office, redefining real estate with a boutique, high-performance approach. Continue reading

10 ways brokers can elevate their agent recruiting game

Get passionate and intentional about real estate recruiting, and see what a difference it makes in your real estate business, ERA’s Alex Vidal writes. Continue reading

Real estate is not broken: Anywhere’s Sue Yannaccone

Zillow’s market cap may be 50 times bigger than the franchise giant’s, but that doesn’t mean traditional industry players need to make a “fundamental pivot,” the CEO tells Brad Inman. Continue reading

Sherry Chris to join NAR as consultant following Anywhere exit

The industry veteran announced she was stepping down from an advisory role at Anywhere in December 2024 after officially retiring in April 2023. Now, she will help NAR build relationships and trust, and serve as special advisor to CEO Nykia Wright. Continue reading

Sherry Chris to join NAR as consultant following Anywhere exit

The industry veteran announced she was stepping down from an advisory role at Anywhere in December 2024 after officially retiring in April 2023. Now, she will help NAR build relationships and trust, and serve as special advisor to CEO Nykia Wright. Continue reading

Sherry Chris to join NAR as consultant following Anywhere exit

The industry veteran announced she was stepping down from an advisory role at Anywhere in December 2024 after officially retiring in April 2023. Now, she will help NAR build relationships and trust, and serve as special advisor to CEO Nykia Wright. Continue reading

Sherry Chris to join NAR as consultant following Anywhere exit

The industry veteran announced she was stepping down from an advisory role at Anywhere in December 2024 after officially retiring in April 2023. Now, she will help NAR build relationships and trust, and serve as special advisor to CEO Nykia Wright. Continue reading

Sherry Chris steps down from advisory role at Anywhere

A year and a half after transitioning from her chief executive position to an advisory role, Chris announced that she’s “on to a new adventure.” Continue reading

ERA Real Estate ‘Moves Up’ with new marketing campaign

ERA Real Estate is ending the year with “It’s time to move up,” a marketing campaign highlighting the brand’s growth and record 99 percent recommendation rating amongst consumers. Continue reading