Why do real estate agents fail?

With the right mindset and strategies, coach Verl Workman writes, you can avoid the common pitfalls that defeat other real estate agents. Continue reading

4 things to troubleshoot when your business isn’t growing

Adopt a growth mindset and embrace setbacks as a stepping stone toward progress, Side’s Manny Solis writes. Doing this can cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Continue reading

Tell us your biggest fail in 2021: Pulse

Failure stings, but that doesn’t mean it’s all bad. In fact, some of the biggest mishaps often turn into the most rewarding, career-changing lessons. So, what did you fail at in 2021? This week, we’re asking you to dig deep in the interest of those who… Continue reading

Failed it! 5 ways to grow from your mistakes

Making mistakes in real estate (especially when you’re first starting out) is inevitable. However, if you approach failure with the right attitude, commit to the practice and tap into the expertise of mentors, you’ll grow in this business. Continue reading

New agents: How you handle rejection can make or break you

People have all sorts of reasons for choosing another agent, and rejection is just part of the job. New agents need to understand and learn how to move past this fast. Here’s why. Continue reading

New to real estate? 5 key career decisions that’ll set you up right

With so many real estate agents calling it quits within the first couple of years, those early-career decisions can prove to be vital in setting you up for long-term success. Here are a few areas all newbies need to focus on. Continue reading

3 ways to harness the power of positive thinking in your business

Having the right mindset is vital for succeeding in this industry — especially in the midst of a topsy-turvy year for real estate. Here’s how positive thinking can really make a real and dramatic impact on your business. Continue reading

Close the deal! How to forget leads, and adopt a growth mindset

To break down the barriers in your mind that are holding you back, you need guts, dedication and grit. Find out from military elite-turned-consultant Kate Monroe (who’s running six companies and training thousands of employees) how maintain the energy … Continue reading

4 reasons agents on teams fail

Team leaders invest an immense amount of time, energy and resources into their team members, and inevitably, some will fail. Here’s how to recognize why some teammates fail and address the issues head-on. Continue reading

Believe in yourself! 7 practical ways agents can build confidence

Confidence is an important aspect of becoming a successful real estate agent. Luckily, it’s a skill that can be learned and sharpened. Here are a few powerful (and effective) ways agents can boost their self-confidence. Continue reading