Pasadena ADU program offers second shot at affordable housing

To qualify, applicants must have owned and occupied the main property for at least five years, maintain a credit score above 650 and have a debt-to-income ratio below 40 percent. Continue reading

Former HUD Secretary: We need big ideas on affordable housing

At her first ICNY appearance, former HUD Acting Secretary Adrienne Todman talked about missed opportunities to improve inventory and why it’s will — not funds — keeping the U.S. from solving the affordable housing crisis. Continue reading

Helpful resources and a call to action for California wildfire victims

Real estate professionals aren’t just in the business of helping people buy and sell houses; they are the guardians of the very idea of home, coach Darryl Davis writes. Continue reading

Amazon debuts $47K luxury tiny home with rooftop deck

On the heels of its Black Friday success, Amazon has listed another luxury tiny home for $47,000. The home has a sunroom, rooftop deck and customizable floor plan for up to four bedrooms. Continue reading

California legislator proposes $1.25B affordable housing bill

United States Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is taking another shot at solving America’s housing crisis, this time through a proposal to convert government-owned buildings into affordable rental housing.

The Affordable Housing Conversion Act … Continue reading

Airbnb launches new council to address US housing crisis

The Airbnb Housing Council will advise the home-sharing company on policies and initiatives it can support to combat housing affordability and inventory issues. Continue reading

US needs 4.3M homes to close the affordability gap: Zillow

During 2021, there were 8 million “missing households” across the country — families without homes of their own — compared to just 3.7 million housing units available for rent or sale, according to Zillow. Continue reading

Woman claims free speech violated following mobile home crackdown

Chasidy Decker was forced out of her Meridian, Idaho, mobile home because it was parked in a residential neighborhood, which violated city codes. Now she’s suing the city because its action left her unhoused. Continue reading

‘Dire days lie ahead’: The impact of COVID-19 and wildfires on housing

The recent onslaught of wildfires and accompanying smoke blanketing many states are combining with the pandemic with deadly results. It is not just personal health that is being affected — there are significant implications for real estate as well. Continue reading

Bubble trouble: How agents are managing client anxiety amid bubble talk

Today’s crazy market conditions are forcing agents to have sometimes-challenging conversations about what a bubble is and what might happen in a correction. Continue reading