How to sell without feeling ‘salesy’

When you lead with value, Nick Schlekeway writes, sales become more about service, allowing you to build trust and long-lasting relationships. Continue reading

Top-producing agent Duane Richins brings RealD2D to Real

Drawing on his expertise in door-to-door sales, Richins founded RealD2D, a team offering coaching and training programs. These services focus on building client relationships, developing sales strategies and guiding decision-making. Continue reading

Understanding the sales funnel: A guide for new real estate agents

Whether you’ve just begun your career as a real estate agent or are exploring new strategies to boost sales, Jessi Healey explains how a sales funnel can be a great tool and strategy to grow your business. Continue reading

Knowing new construction gives you a competitive edge — here’s why

The inventory shortage isn’t going to last forever. In the meantime, studying the economy, real estate market statistics and particularly the new home construction process will make you a fierce competitor in today’s market and the future.  Continue reading

Lesson Learned: Whoever talks first loses

In this Monday column, Christy Murdock Edgar asks agents across the nation to share the lessons they’ve learned during their time in the industry. This week, Detroit’s social media star Erica Collica. Continue reading

What buying a bike taught me about real estate sales

Bikes and real estate have little in common — until you talk sales. One broker shares her story of how being on the other side of a frustrating bike transaction opened her eyes to possible shortcomings in real estate sales. Continue reading