OpenAI and the art of the possible

Tune in to Inman Access, and learn how agents and brokerages can leverage the power and potential of artificial intelligence. Continue reading

Top team tips, takeaways, trends from the ICNY stage

Here are the best, hand-picked sessions from Inman Connect New York featuring industry team leaders talking about everything from team building and retention to adding value and delegating with tech. Continue reading

NAR reveals 12 new startups vying for iOi Summit ‘Pitch Battle’ crown

Highnote, Instacard and ListAssist are among the startups the National Association of Realtors has tapped for its annual ‘Pitch Battle’ later this month in Miami, according to an announcement Tuesday. Continue reading

23 tech tools to make 2023 easier

We live in an amazing time with unprecedented tools and technology, writes Jimmy Burgess. By tapping into the leverage these tools provide, your business can’t help but grow. Continue reading

7 underutilized tech tools that’ll make you look like a top producer

These underrated apps and tools can make you look seemingly flawless as you juggle the many aspects of your business with ease, Jimmy Burgess says. Continue reading

What marketing feels out of date but still (surprisingly) works? Pulse

As we jump into Marketing and Branding Month, we want to know: What marketing may feel out of date but still works like a charm? Continue reading

Tell us about a time that tech totally screwed you over: Pulse

This week: Whether it was user error or a glitch in the matrix, tell us about a time tech totally screwed you over. Continue reading

What’s your top tech hack? Pulse

This week, we’re asking: What top tech hack do you pride yourself on knowing, whether you learned it in a CE class or on your own? Continue reading

Which tech tool is totally worth learning? Pulse

This week, we want to know: Which tech tool is so game-changing it’s worth taking that class or watching that tutorial? Continue reading