Agents should strive for authenticity in social media

“It’s really important to present yourself and your personality,” Jon Krabbe, founder of digital marketing firm Agent Image, said Wednesday morning during Inman Luxury Connect in Beverly Hills. “They can tell if it’s authentic.” Continue reading

10 rules for hosting an open house for another agent

Hosting an open house is a critically important event in a new agent’s career, especially if it’s for another agent. It’s often the first public appearance for agents to showcase themselves to the community and beyond. Here are 10 things new agents mus… Continue reading

Jumping ship for a startup brokerage? Do your homework first!

Startups look promising on the outside, but they can’t always live up to the hype, says Tammy Britt. The longtime D.C.-area agent shares her experience with a startup after 16 years as a top performer with some of the biggest names in the real estate b… Continue reading

The Essential Guide to luxury marketing

The luxury real estate market is highly competitive, but agents who harness technology, the media and their own social networks for marketing can make fortunes. Continue reading

The Tall Poppies Support Women Novelists

When health professor Ann Garvin, 58, of Madison, Wis. challenged herself to write and publish her first novel, she never imagined that it would spark a burning desire to become a career novelist. But in 2009, after two years of carving out stolen mome… Continue reading

3 ways I use tech to maintain (and deepen) client relationships

Integrate your personality, interests and passions with the latest tools and techniques to stay in touch with clients both personally and on a broadcast basis. It’s a winning formula that will help your business grow. Here’s how to do it strategically. Continue reading

Lead-generation game changer: How 60-second Instagram videos have transformed my business

What’s the best way to look for new lead-generation strategies? Discovering what others are doing that’s working well. In this recurring column on Inman, agents and brokers share what they’re doing to change up their lead-gen strategies. Find out how M… Continue reading

OutboundEngine gets social with automated ad campaigns

Digital marketing solution OutboundEngine has released a new feature that automates advertising campaigns on social media for real estate agents. Continue reading