Negotiating online? How to get your virtual poker face ready

It’s not always possible to negotiate face to face, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get a leg up on the competition. Find out how to optimize your virtual negotiation skills so that you can give your clients the best possible chance at success. Continue reading

Creativity sells: How to help buyers see a world of possibilities

Buyer sentiment is at an all-time low, but there are still options out there for buyers who are a little more open-minded. Help them expand their view and find the right home, even in a challenging market. Continue reading

10 unique strategies to create listings where there are none

Generating listings in today’s competitive market can be done — as long as you have the marketing savvy and tech tools to help you. Author, coach and ICNY speaker Bernice Ross spells out some top options to consider for your business. Continue reading

Busted! 10 myths buyers and sellers believe about the current market

In today’s wild market, there are plenty of bad ideas on both sides of the buyer/seller equation, according to broker Cara Ameer. Here’s how to correct those misconceptions so that everyone can get what they want. Continue reading

Agent retention woes? 4 tips to help reduce attrition

While the industry as a whole has an attrition rate of about 80 percent, one brokerage lost only eight agents (out of 50+) over the past four years (mostly from life circumstances). Marcus Larrea, co-founder of Palm Paradise Real Estate, gives his winn… Continue reading

Advice to ignore! 6 tips newbies should skip right now

New agents are given plenty of advice when they’re starting out, but is it all really true? Not according to coach Darryl Davis, who believes there are better ways to build a business than those old-fashioned methods. Continue reading

ReferralCloud aims for order in the disjointed referral market: Tech Review

ReferralCloud is a web-based connection for agents seeking to refer relocating clients to worthy agents. Continue reading

21 social skills today’s real estate agents need

If you’re new to real estate, here’s a quick how-to on getting up to speed with other agents socially. From client expectations to putting yourself out there, here’s what you should know. Continue reading

How to win a bidding war against a buyer who’s paying all cash

There are smart ways to overcome a cash offer for that apartment, condo or co-op your buyer really wants. NYC’s Confidence Stimpson outlines how to go about making your buyer’s offer more competitive. Continue reading

Connection leads to conversion: 11 tips for better social media engagement

Being on social media shouldn’t even be a question today, Jimmy Burgess says. It offers you the opportunity to connect both locally and with those who are part of the current relocation surge. Continue reading